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Fashion Education Books
teaching manuals ▪ reference handbooks ▪ resources for creative inspiration

Your career will have many stages ......... the important thing is to keep advancing
Career Advancement The books will help you advance during all the stages of your career
Career advancement is about gaining ex- perience and then using that experience to handle more important responsibilities as well as to handle the prior tasks with greater efficiency. Motivate yourself to see each job you hold as an opportunity to elevate your level of knowledge, develop your skills, and further your abilities.
If you dislike the principal duties associ- ated with a particular position, quickly move onto something else. When you find yourself in a position doing things that you like, it is important that you recognize and seize the opportunity to move up to a higher position when it presents itself.
And don't be afraid to let your boss know that you want to be promoted! If you don't "ask for the job", you may be passed over for a co-worker who was more bold.
The purpose of this site is to contribute to, enhance, and lend support to all available methods for obtaining a fashion education. The books serve as textbooks for college fashion courses as well as training manuals for independent learning environments.

The collection was written in a way to give you a well-rounded perspective of the fash- ion industry. If you are not yet sure about what you want to be, the books are an ideal starting point to learn about the different sectors that compose the fashion industry. If you plan to earn a degree at a specialized trade school, commit to a school and pro- gram of study only when you have clarity about your interest in fashion design, fash- ion merchandising, or fashion promotion.

Whichever avenue of fashion you choose to embrace, it is important to realize that fashion is a business. Seriously, no matter who you work for or what kind of business you run someday, the bottom line is that the business needs to stay in business or suddenly you are without an income! So, while creativity is emphasized, practicality is also addressed. Volume I will give you perspective of how the fashion industry works. This includes the design, manufac- ture, promotion, and retailing of fashion goods as well as the need to balance finan- cial planning with creative pursuits.
For example, The Fashion Industry creates awareness in matters such as the economy and political issues. That might seem soooooo..... boring, but when you come to realize how global trade agreements, the value of the U.S. dollar against other currencies, and the price of a gallon of gasoline are affecting your job, it suddenly takes on new meaning. Vol. I also answers important questions for those aspiring to be a designer like where to present your collection, how to fund your collection, and which distribution channels are best for your styling and design point of view.

The second volume in the series, Elements of Art in Fashion, addresses the aesthetics of de- sign and dress. For designers, this adds a busi- ness perspective to the design process - how to "create garments that will sell". And within the retail sector, the job of selling fashion is trans- formed into a more responsible role of putting together outfits that will "help customers look their absolute best". Lastly, for retail buyers and store owners, it develops a discerning eye for reviewing the new style looks presented at the trade shows during market week.

You found us, so the inspiration to explore fashion is already in motion. Now choose an avenue and begin developing your skills!

~ Janet Reed