Reed brings her love for fashion and over 40 years of experience to you. By
the time she reached high school, Janet knew she wanted to go into fashion. She loved
clothes. She loved dressing up. And she loved sewing. She also loved to write though
twenty more years would pass before she would begin work on her first book. In 1972,
she left Ohio and off to college she went. After earning a B.S. in Fashion Merchandising
from Florida State University in 1976, she promptly pursued her life's vocation. Soon
after, she fulfilled her dream of moving West and established roots in California which
has been home to her since 1977.
her first decade in the field, Janet explored many avenues of fashion: buying,
store management, display, and retail merchandising. Eager to learn, she advanced quick-
ly. By her mid 20's, she had attained the position of district store manager and during
the second decade, she added regional account sales and custom clothing design to her
growing resume. It has been a robust multifaceted career that spans over four decades of
fashion. Through her field experiences and participation in
multiple cycles of fashion, Janet developed an adept ability
to interpret social patterns and trends. You will cultivate
your own skills and insight using her tools.
In 1985, Janet's entrepreneurial spirit encouraged her
to pursue self-employment. With 18 years of tailoring experi-
ence and self-taught knowledge of pattern making, she de-
signed, drafted and constructed made-to-measure garments
for private clients. It was through this experience that she
was able to study a multitude of body types and to master
the art of creating proportion and line illusions in dress.
She used her craftsmanship to design an aesthetically
pleasing look for her client that simultaneously conveyed
the outward image desired for the event or occasion. This
experience influenced Janet's incisive understanding of the
elements and principles of design and provided the frame-
work for developing the concepts she introduced in Vol. II:
Elements of Art in Fashion.
Concurrent with her design business, Janet taught pat-
tern drafting and design classes through a private firm.
There, she self-published and sold books on the subject to
her students. This compelled her to pursue teaching more
rigorously. By the late 80's, Janet had taught for two com-
munity college districts and two fashion trade schools. Her
well-rounded career in merchandising, buying, marketing,
and design was aptly suited to becoming a fashion instruc-
tor and led to a 17-year profession.
In retrospect,
teaching provided the necessary platform
for her to develop, refine, and clarify her material which
initially began as supplemental handouts. By the early 90's,
she had become increasingly discouraged by the textbook
offerings for her courses and stopped using an outside text
all together, exclusively lecturing from her own handouts.
led to the publishing of her first two books which
were adopted as required texts. By 2001, restlessness was
beginning to set in once again. She wanted to begin a third
title about the history of fashion and she could no longer
ignore a yearning desire to reach others beyond the confines
of her classroom. So she relinquished her teaching post and
redirected her career to pursue writing full time.
next chapter in her career began with an opportune
crossing of paths with a programmer who encouraged her
to explore a new developing styling language called CSS.
After looking at only a handful of websites using the
methodology, she was sold on the idea. She envisioned the
freedom to use color limitlessly and to add video, sound,
and other interactive features characteristic of the Internet.
the material could be readily updated to reflect the
changing fashion environment. A textbook on fashion that's
always current. "Hmmm", she thought, "Now that's a good
idea". So she became a student again and set out to create a
new version of her books. The launch of Fashion Mer-
chandising Online marked a culmination of her career
experiences and aspirations.
imagination and love of fashion continue. Stay
tuned and evolve with her in the celebration of fashion!
A devotion to teach that resonates
Janet's approach to higher education has
always been quite different as she both em-
braces and challenges its traditions. While she
believes there are multiple paths to an end
goal, she firmly adheres to the essentiality of a
sound, structured foundation. And from that
foundation, she will demand your participation
in the assimilation of the subject matter - to use
it in a way that is your own - because without a
purpose, information has no value.
She will guide you to see, understand, and
apply topics to things you can relate to, to the
people and events around you, to real-life
situations. In this, the information has personal
meaning. And without a doubt, she will touch a
chord with you. In fact, there will be times
when you think she is speaking only to you.
As you are mentored and tutored, it is with
an authority that imparts collective knowledge
gained through decades of field and classroom
experiences. At the same time, she has moved
and evolved with the times. In this, you truly
benefit from her teachings as the information
reflects wisdom yet is always relevant. And
unlike the formality of educational textbooks,
you will enjoy the warm undertones of Janet's
writing style. The information is structured yet
interesting and enjoyably pleasant to read. She
makes learning fun - just the way it should be.
Her unbounded enthusiasm for fashion is ir-
resistible and catching. You can feel it through
her words as well as in her devotion to share
her knowledge with others. It's a benefaction
that results from one who sincerely loves to
teach. Over the years she has reached many,
inspiring them to visualize, explore and pursue
their dreams. She will excite you, engage you,
challenge you, and motivate you as she guides
you through the exciting world of fashion!