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Fashion Education Books
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The Renaissance Through the 18th Century
The 19th Century (1800-1870)
The 1870's and 1880's: "Late Victorian Era"
The 1890's and 1900's: "The Gilded Age"
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How to use The Evolution of Fashion
The study of fashion history is vital for those pursuing fashion as a career. From the past, we learn how to interpret present-day cultural and fashion trend cycles. Through the study of past styles, silhouettes, movements in art, methods of dressmaking, and advertising strategies, we are inspired to reinvent old ideas for a new time.
Build a Fashion History Collection
Volume III is a collection itself. Each book connects to the time period before and after.
It also enhances, expands, and supports the teachings in Volumes I and II of the series.
Pictures Speak a Thousand Words
There is much to learn through the stories, the people, the events, and the topical places that shaped history. Thankfully, we have artwork, imagery, and relics to see how people dressed.

There were political events, scientific break- throughs, good times and times of hardship - all of which influenced fashion and dress. And so many design methods, styling ideas, and suc- cessful marketing schemes.........awaiting some- one to discover, rediscover, and reinvent them.

History will inspire you with many new ideas!
The 1910's: "The Modern Period"
The 1920's: "The Roaring Twenties"
The 1930's
"The Great Depression"

[release date 2025]
The 1940's
"The War Years"

[release date TBA]
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