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Fashion Education Books
teaching manuals ▪ reference handbooks ▪ resources for creative inspiration
Fashion begins with a design idea.
When someone copies the idea,
it becomes a new style interest.
When many people copy the idea,
it becomes a fashion trend.
~ Janet Reed
Value and Benefits

Develops a clear perspective of all sectors of the fashion industry and an understanding for the contribution that each makes in influenc- ing the fashion that becomes trend.

Helps you define, or redefine, your passion in the field of fashion.

Keeps you abreast of significant develop- ments affecting the fashion industry.

Helps you cultivate insight, skillful judge- ment, and discernment regarding upcoming market trends and the direction of fashion.

Gives you the knowledge and tools to be suc- cessful in your work, position, or business.


Vol. I in the series takes you on a never ending journey that examines all levels of fashion - from haute couture and high fashion ready-to-wear to the fashion labels and brands worn by the modest-income consumer. You will experience the excitement of being in the front row during Fashion Week in Paris, Milan, London, and New York as you are linked to the collections of today's most innovative and influential designers. You'll explore the full cycle of fashion, beginning with where designers get their ideas through the influence of the fashion media in getting us excited to try a new style and finally to the retailers whose skillful displays, merchandising, and advertising entice us to buy the new look.

Historical references are included for the purpose of recollecting where the fashion industry has been in order to better understand where it is today. For each new season, the material is updated, so the season edition you buy will inform you about that season's trends, news of domestic and global business climates, fashion house changes, textile innovations, new store openings, and at-the-top brand labels.

Fashion Trends bridges the past with the present identifying, assimilating, and translating the evolving nature of fashion. If you are a new entrant into the field, it will help you catch up. If you are a seasoned professional, it will help you stay informed.