When you're at the very beginning of embarking on a career (or a new career direction), what's most important is to decide what you want to be. It's really a matter of blending your personality and interests with what you aim to achieve during this lifetime. Some people are very creative; some are talented organizers; others are idea people with the adept capability to get things moving. Some will build empires and become billionaires; some will be an anonymous contributor to a well-known brand; and some are destined to leave an impressionable mark on society and make it into the history books. Your life's purpose, including how you go about achieving it, is an individual matter and only you can, and should, make this decision. The books that comprise the collection are intended to get you started on your way and later to take you to new and higher levels of wisdom and creativity. The points at which you decide to advance your experience and understanding will be when you are both ready to achieve a higher skill level and have the desire to do it. While reading the books, certain subjects will ignite a spark and particular interest within you. It is at those times that you want to pay attention because it's an area you probably should pursue or it's a position with the kind of duties that would be enjoyable for you. Think "career" rather than job. These particular subjects will lead you to inquire about the job titles and positions where you would be involved in that type of work and from there, you can begin to formulate a long-term goal and how to go about reaching it. Generally speaking, fashion encompasses Design, Merchandising, and Promotion. The books will help you understand how all the different facets of the industry work together to make fashion what it is. As you get to know fashion from the inside, you begin to realize how incredi- bly big this industry is and how many opportunities there are.